Saturday, February 23, 2008


I dont really watch the idiot box but when this advertisement happened to catch my sight i noticed d tagline "Obsessed with quality- SKODA" Thats when i thought what am i obsessed with...
What does one mean by Obsession ?
Its when u pre-occupy yourself but u never know if the preoccupation is disturbing us....
The thoughts become persistent and disturb us day and night...
It rarely happens dat ppl knw wht they r obsessed with....
Of late i have seen ppl obsessed with Authority....
Do something,get ur way and there u r - on the top...! Huh....
Love in itself is obsession so dats a different case altogether..!!
Well, im stil searchin d answer 2 my question...
Am i obsessed about frnds? Is dat a kind of obsession ? And if it is then is it disturbing me?
Confused big time...!! I really dont know....!! Whtevr d obsession is i only knw dat any kind of obsession is bad....But still u never know ;);)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lesson learnt....

Appreciated and applauded for..Feels gr8, doesnt it ? I have always believed in the statement that "When u laugh at urself no one will laugh at you"... It was heavens being appreciated for something that you love doing... The entire week was a thrilling experience... 2nd Feb,'Entrepreneurship Conference'...Did d compering, was appreciated and congratulated....Felt overconfident ? Well,of course i did..Who wudnt feel on cloud nine after being specially called and appreciated ;).. Did d compering for d next event 'Panel Discussion' on 5th Feb and just imagine what happened...! Have u evr heard of an english statement "We r glad 2 leave u sir" ? Well,if u havent then it was me who said dat 2 d Chief Guest who had 2 leave !! And trust me,the whole hall bursted in laughter...! And i was the first to laught at my own self.....:) It was a real gud experience....I thank God for makin me realise that NOTHING N NO ONE IS PERFECT...!
D memories i have collected are for years to preserve...! I learnt how to gel with ALL kinds of people... And trust me when i say ALL i mean ALL ;)...Life teaches us lessons in many forms and i have learnt many by doing team-work....It wasnt dat dis was my first time but now i know what Professional Life means ;) Like they say All good things cum 2 an end , n then internals...Huh....Now thats a task...! Carried off well :)....Does posting mean writing about a topic in particular or d posts can b lik d pages frm ur personal diary, eh ? ;) Figurin out on that one thou.....

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Posting is kinda great but it just cant be any other post and anything written....
Im gonna post a memorable xperience n lovely memories once i get hold of all of dem....
So 9th feb inshallah i wud b posting....
And MJCET is gonna rock in d entire Entrepreneurship-Week.....
Im proud to be a part of the team.....And im happy....!!
Long Live Entrepreneurship-Cell....!!!